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USENIX Statement on Racism and Anti-API Hate

USENIX stand​s​ in sympathy and solidarity with all Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities and unreservedly condemns anti-API rhetoric, hate speech, hate crimes, and other forms of harassment perpetrated against them. The recent violence against API communities, which has increased significantly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, is a result of long-standing systemic racism further stoked by irresponsible commentary and discourse. API communities have long been vital contributors to USENIX and the advanced computing field, and we value their participation and leadership in our organization.

USENIX does not tolerate harassment of any members of our community either at our events or in any of our related online communities or social media. USENIX re-affirms its commitment to a nondiscriminatory approach in our mission to support the advanced computing systems communities, and we undertake to actively work against racism in our community in all its forms. USENIX calls on the entire computing community to Stop Asian Hate. Supporting the safety and well-being of Asian and Pacific Islander communities benefits ​us all.